Open convention with citizen!

Welcome to Nonsan City Council

About attendance

To attend Council meetings as an observer

  • The applicant obtains attendance permission as issued by Chairman, and produces his ID card to the official at the Council Information Booth, and receives an attendance ticket in the order as submitted.

People under the following category are forbidden from attending a Council meeting.

  • Holders of an offensive weapon, or dangerous goods
  • Drunken and mentally ill people
  • People whose behaviors are suspected of hampering a meeting, and who hamper the keeping of order.

Attendees should not do the following

  • Walk onto the floor, or wear a hat or an overcoat
  • Eat food, smoke, or read a newspaper or magazine
  • Record, videotape or take photos of a meeting without permission
  • Express views or clasp hands in connection with councilors' speaking.
  • Hamper a meeting by making noise or doing other things

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보